the proxy card or to vote in person at the Meeting. Please follow the instructions on the proxy card. You may change your mind and cancel your proxy card by sending us a written notice, by signing and returning a proxy card with a later date, or by voting in person or by proxy at the Meeting. We will not be able to count a proxy card from a registered holder unless Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. receives it in the enclosed envelope no later than 11:59 p.m. EDT on June 13, 2022.
If you provide specific instructions (by marking a box) with regard to the Proposals, your ordinary shares will be voted as you instruct. If you sign and return your proxy card without giving specific instructions your ordinary shares will be voted in favor of each of the Proposals in accordance with the recommendation of the Board. The persons named as proxies in the enclosed proxy card will vote in accordance with their best judgment and the recommendation of the Board on any other matters that properly come before the Meeting, including the authority to adjourn the Meeting pursuant to Article 30 of the Company’s Articles of Association.
Beneficial Owners
If you are a beneficial owner of the ordinary shares held in a brokerage account or by a trustee or nominee, these proxy materials are being forwarded to you together with a voting instruction form by the broker, trustee or nominee or an agent hired by the broker, trustee or nominee. As a beneficial owner, you have the right to direct your broker, trustee or nominee how to vote.
Because a beneficial owner is not a shareholder of record, you may not vote those ordinary shares directly at the Meeting unless you obtain a “legal proxy” from the broker, trustee or nominee that holds your ordinary shares, giving you the right to vote the ordinary shares at the Meeting. Your broker, trustee or nominee has enclosed or provided voting instructions for you to use in directing the broker, trustee or nominee how to vote your ordinary shares.
Who Can Vote
You are entitled to receive notice of, and vote at, the Meeting if you are a shareholder of record at the close of business on May 5, 2022, either directly or indirectly through a broker, trustee or other nominee that is one of our shareholders of record at such time.
Revocation of Proxies
Shareholders of record may revoke the authority granted by their execution of proxies at any time before the effective exercise thereof by: filing with us a written notice of revocation sent to the attention of Ross Miga, Assistant Corporate Secretary, Ltd., 2 Jabotinsky Street, 32nd FL., Ramat Gan, 5250501 Israel; properly submitting a duly executed proxy bearing a later date; or by voting in person at the Meeting. A shareholder who holds shares in “street name” should follow the directions of, or contact, the bank, broker or nominee if he, she or it desires to revoke or modify previously submitted voting instructions.
Solicitation of Proxies
Proxies are being distributed to shareholders beginning May 10, 2022. Certain officers, directors, employees and agents of Taboola, may solicit proxies by telephone, emails, or other personal contact. We will bear the cost for the solicitation of the proxies, including postage, printing, and handling, and will reimburse the reasonable expenses of brokerage firms and others for forwarding material to beneficial owners of ordinary shares.
Voting Results
The final voting results will be tallied by the Company based on the information provided by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. or otherwise, and the overall results of the Meeting will be published following the Meeting in a report of foreign private issuer on Form 6-K that will be furnished to the SEC.
Availability of Proxy Materials
The notice of the Meeting and this proxy statement are available at the “Investors” portion of our website, Information on our website is not incorporated by reference in this proxy statement.
Assistance in Voting your Shares
Your vote is important! If you are a registered holder and you have general questions about how to cast your vote by internet, phone, or mail, please call Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc., at +1-303-562-9304 (international) or +1-844-998-0339 (toll free in the U.S. and Canada).