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Where is Taboola's corporate headquarters?
Taboola’s headquarters is located in New York City.
Where is the company organized?
Taboola is a company organized under the laws of the State of Israel.
When did Taboola go public?
Taboola went public and started trading on June 30, 2021.
What is Taboola’s fiscal year?
Taboola’s fiscal year end is December 31.
Under what ticker is Taboola’s stock traded?
Does Taboola pay dividends?
Taboola does not have plans to pay a dividend at this time.
What is Taboola’s CUSIP number?
M8744T 106
Who is Taboola’s transfer agent that I contact with questions on my stock holdings?
Taboola’s transfer agent and registrar for its Ordinary Shares is Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc. Its address is 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717, and its telephone number is 1-844-998-0339.
Does Taboola have a direct stock purchase plan?
Taboola does not offer a direct stock purchase plan. Taboola common stock can be purchased on the open market through any stock brokerage firm.
Who is Taboola’s auditor?
Kost Forer Gabbay & Kasierer, a member of Ernst & Young Global.
How can I view documents Taboola has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)?
Click here to find Taboola’s SEC filings.
Who makes up the Taboola’s Executive Management team and Board of Directors?
Click here to see Taboola’s management team and Board of Directors.
When is your next earnings release scheduled? How can I receive email updates for this information?
To access our financial calendar, please click here. You can sign up for email alerts by visiting the IR Services section of our website, or clicking here.
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
Please click here or go to our IR Services section and click on ‘Contact Us’.

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